Dwight The Troubled Teen on 6/19/2006 3:55:11 PM:
Things to know about Klondike Campground:
1. This is NOT in the town of Augusta. It's three miles east of Augusta, look for a sign on the trail pointing up a steep hill.
2. Good luck making a reservation or getting a hold of any one at the listed phone number. Serious banker's hours service. However, you go, you find a campsite, you pitch, and then follow the signs to the shower facility. Next to the showers there is an "honor box" where you fill out your info, stick $7 in the envelope, and tear off the tag to use on your campsite post. (This will keep Ranger Friendly from rousting you at 2 a.m. and following behind you in her truck while you stumble two miles to the honor box. Fun, fun.)
3. The campground does not sell firewood any more. (Like there'd really be a human you could find with whom to exchange money if they did!) I had luck scaveging dead branches and some helpful neighbors who loaned me an axe to chop my deadwood small enough for the firepit. Your mileage may vary.
4. Maybe I was there on a bad night, but the hoosiers screaming and playing grab-@$$ through all hours of the night and early morning seemed to be endemic throughout the place. Rangers were too busy collecting their seven bucks to enforce the noise restrictions. I don't mean there were a few bad apples, I mean it was Animal-frickin'-House from one end to the other the night I was there.
5. Seven bucks. On the Katy Trail. You can't go wrong. Just bring ear plugs and don't waste your time asking other campers where the office is located. There isn't one.