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Connection to Missouri Research Park

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C B on 5/12/2006 9:59:48 AM:
Hi all,
As next Friday is Ride-your-bike-to-work day I was hoping to ride in to the research park in St. Charles from the trailheat at the Page Ave. extension. All I'm trying to find out is the best way to get from the Katy to the research park, google earth makes it look like there might be a connector, but I don't recall seeing one. Any help would be appreciated with this,

Nails on 5/12/2006 10:22:50 AM:
You might be able to jump off the trail and head to Woofrim Rd as shown in this picture:
However, that's probably private property you'll cross and the road itself might be a private drive. Better to investigate it first.

There is a proposed link to the KATY along a creek that is just west of this photo. Go to:
Click on "Take a Virtual Tour" and then click on "Interactive Lot Map" in the new window.