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Justin from Kansas City on 5/10/2006 12:44:59 PM:
I live in Kansas City and I would like to bike the entire trail this summer. Which direction would you recommend? I think I saw that West to East is more downhill. Is this true? Do most people usually go west to east?

TRinJboro from Jonesboro, AR on 5/10/2006 3:12:26 PM:
I biked the trail from west to east in April. There's a small grade between Sedelia and Boonesville, but not enough that I would call it uphill. I was told the prevailing winds were usually from west to east, but the four days I was on the trail they were from all directions.

MLH from Overland Park on 5/10/2006 6:14:44 PM:
West to east for the following reasons:

1. The scenery and trail conditions tend to improve in that direction
2. Net downhill but overall that is not a huge factor on the trail
3. The highway is usually closer to the trail on the eastern portions which is reassuring on the latter stages of a long ride.
4. It seems preferable to have the sun behind you at the end of the day, rather than in your face during the latter part of a long hot day.
5. The wind seems to be a debatable subject and one can check all of the websites they wish but anyone who rides alot, flies R/C helicopters or has a flagpole within view of their office window has an opinion that the net wind vector tends to be at least partially out of the west more often than from the east. Perhaps this varies somewhat across the state?
6. There are more places to get toasted in St. Charles than Clinton after a long ride.