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Burr Oak Tree

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Ana Lopez from Huntsdale MO on 8/19/2005 12:31:22 PM:
Correction The State Champion Bur Oak tree is owned by Mr. John Sam Williamson, Jr. It is in vesinity of Huntsdale MO.
It's Circumference is 289" Height 85 feet and had a spread of about 118 feet. estimated age Over 300 years
You can also see info and pictures at

Anonymous from Rocheport on 3/11/2006 8:54:31 AM:
There is a beautiful black and white pen and ink drawing of this tree in the "Art & Antiques" shop in Rocheport. They have 30"x 22" signed and numbered limited edition prints available.

missyanne1948 from Ciolumbia, Missouri on 4/2/2006 9:11:28 PM:
"Burr Oak Tree " you are talking about is not in Huntsdale or Rochport It is on Route K (just keep going south on Providence) on the south side of Columbia The land it is on may very well be owned by Mr. John Sam Williamson, Jr
There are many legends about this tree. One that I am most familar with is that it is a witches hanging tree. I have also been told that visiting the tree on Halloween is a very eerie experience

At one time there was a plaque at the tree site but vandals destroyed it many years ago.