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Cruces' Cabooses (Calhoun/Windsor)

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tracy cookson from farmington, arkansas on 4/12/2006 2:51:12 PM:
Hi! The cabooses look like a really interesting, fun place to stay! Do you have any pictures of the insides of them?
Tracy Cookson

Ray (webmaster) on 4/17/2006 4:44:18 PM:
Unforunately, I think Cruces Cabooses may have gone out of business. Their website is dead, and no one is returning phone calls from the last number I have for them. If anyone knows anything about Cruces Cabooses, please let us know whether they're still open for business.

Ray (Webmaster) on 4/21/2006 9:03:06 AM:
I'm happy to report that Cruces Cabooses is still very much IN business. I spoke to the owner last night, and he says they've been having website problems, but you can still reach them by phone at 816-229-8389. This is definitely one of the most unique B&Bs around.

To answer Tracy's question: sorry, I do not have any photos other than the exterior photo showing the two train cars. Maybe there will be some on the Cruce's Cabooses website, whenever it's back up again.