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Reply to 2006 DNR Ride, again...
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MattMan628 from Independence, MO on 3/31/2006 6:04:00 PM:
I'm sorry if I'm repeating topics, but I can't seem to find the info I'm looking for. I haven't sent in my registration yet, so will they send me more information on the ride when I do? Basically, I'm concerned with how I will get to the trail on Monday. I plan on taking the shuttle from Clinton to St Charles, and probably staying in the hotel they recommended (Comfort Suites?). Do I have to walk all of my stuff 2 miles from the hotel or will they haul me over there?? Would I be better off staying at one of the two places closer to the trailhead?

Sorry, I guess I have a fear of being left behind! =)

Mamawolfie from SE Kansas on 3/31/2006 8:02:22 PM:
My husband and I will be there. We are taking the AMtrak from Kansas City, Mo to Kirkwood and then a shuttle to Trailhead. Not sure if coming in on Sat or Sun. and also not sure where to stay.
I would check with the hotel or hire a shuttle.

savage24 from KC,MO on 3/31/2006 10:16:31 PM:
First let me make it clear that I am not with the DNR or connected to the ride in any official capacity. I have participated in the ride the last 5 years and have always camped. This is just what I have observed in past years.
You should receive a confirmation and rider number in April or early June if you have not already. You will probably recieve a folder of information about the ride in Clinton before you board the bus or in St Charles on Sunday afternoon. The hotel shuttle is an optional service that is listed on the registration form. If you pay the fee, the DNR staff will take you and your bags to and from the hotel in a large van. I believe they secure your bikes at camp (probably put them in the baggage truck overnight).

More details on the hotel shuttle: I believe they run several shuttle trips in the afternoon/evening but only one in the morning. When you arrive in camp each day, after checking in, you can get your bags and catch the shuttle to your hotel to check in, shower, take a nap, etc. Then you can get the shuttle back to camp for dinner and the riders meeting and then get on the shuttle again to go back to your hotel for the night. In the morning, you catch the shuttle back to camp for breakfast and then begin the days ride.
I hope this helps and I hope it is all accurate!

MattMan628 from Independence, MO on 4/1/2006 7:59:02 AM:
Actually, I am camping too. I was just planning on the hotel for Sunday (didn't know if there was camping available for that day). Thanks a ton for the info, though!

savage24 from KC,MO on 4/1/2006 9:19:13 AM:
You may be able to pay for a shuttle ride that day. That's a wise move to get a hotel for Sunday. I never really get a good nights sleep when we start in St Charles; too much traffic noise from nearby I-70, but I'm too cheap to pay for a hotel room!

Anonymous on 4/4/2006 10:14:06 AM:
Yes, you can pay for the shuttle for just one day. If you stay at the hotel on Sunday night rather than camp, you will have all shuttle services provided for that one night. You can also switch it up and camp every other night or any combination you like. With all shuttles provided on the days you choose to stay in a motel. If you have any questions feel free to call DNR, they are always good about answering questions.

Rhona Lococo from St. Charles on 4/4/2006 11:37:06 PM:
here I am again------ we have a B&B just three blocks from trail head ----- our rooms are reasonable and we have a hot tub and massage available ------- we will shuttle you ---- and get you where you need to start ----let us know if we can be of help to you ----Rhona Lococo ----Lococo House ll