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western state border

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Justin from St. Charles on 2/15/2006 2:44:17 PM:
Fron Clinton, how far can you take the trail to the MO-KS border? I am planning a cross-state ride utalizing the Katy trail and I was wondering how far I can take the trail to the west before I was forced to take roads. Please respond with routes or ideas. Feel free to email me at, just be sure to use Katy Trail in the subject box.

The Dalton Boys from Austin, TX/Columbia, MO. on 2/16/2006 6:45:52 AM:
Justin...You are at the end in Clinton. Go to MO. Bike Federation web and it will give an alternate from Windsor to KC. RT. 7 is the most direct from Clinton to KC and from what I've read not a good idea. Regards...Mark of the Dalton Boys.