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Reply to Great food and service; homey (Trailside Bar & Grill in Rhineland)

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Reply to Great food and service; homey (Trailside Bar & Grill in Rhineland)
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Anonymous on 10/22/2004 9:37:15 AM:
This is a friendly place with great specials, delicious food, and reasonable prices. Prompt service. Very clean. So comfy that it was difficult to get back on the trail! Met some bikers (mid October) who said they had no restaurant for 26 miles going east from Rhineland. They had enjoyed the food so much at Trailside that they had returned the next day. There is a bar/restaurant at Portland (looked ok). Guess the bar at Treloar is not reliable on the hours?

Ray (webmaster) on 10/22/2004 4:54:10 PM:
Thanks for mentioning the Treloar Bar hours - I just called them to get their hours, and updated our listing for them. Seems they changed their hours since the last time I talked to them a few months ago.

Dan and Jamie A from St Louis, MO on 10/29/2004 8:23:24 AM:
By the time we got to the restaurant we were so hungry. There is not really any good place to eat until you get to Rhineland (between Tebbetts and Rhineland). We were really just expecting to find something, anything to eat but it turned out the food was really good. Between the two of us we had barbeque pork, fried chicken, mashed potatoes, WONDERFUL german potato salad and green beans. This was definitley a refreshing stop. You can even order sandwiches to go (which we did for the ride to Peers). PS on Sunday they close at 2:00pm.