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Reply to New Katy Trail Business Spring 2006

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Reply to New Katy Trail Business Spring 2006
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RBRLIP from Washington, MO on 10/23/2005 12:25:28 PM:
Looking for suggestions and comments on new business I'm starting along the Katy Trail... 5-10 locations which will have camping sites, cabins, and a variety of other services. For more information check out our web site (it too is a work in progress) at

RBRLIP from Washington, MO on 10/31/2005 8:18:01 AM:
Our web site continues to improve as more and more comments and suggestions come in... My thanks to Every One for their help. Please continue to send us your comments and suggestions,,, good or bad. We Love hearing from ya's.

Anonymous on 10/31/2005 1:24:13 PM:
Not sure you noticed or not, but you are responding to your own post there dude. Talking to yourself. Two words my friend. Main. Tain.

Although I wish you well in your venture, I think we all get the point. You have posted here numerous times under every imaginable totally unrelated topic. I'm more interested in seeing what you have other than a pipe dream.

Also, I don't think this comment from your website is a true statement. "Currently those who wish to travel the entire length of the trail will have to make several arrangements with many different businesses for all their needs from shelter, food, and shuttle transportation." There are several organizations who do guided tours the length of the Katy. And, what about the DNR ride every June? One organization. One phone call.

You may be new to starting a business of this type, but please don't insult our intelligence in your efforts to do so. That will only keep me comfortably riding past to an already established place of business.