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Reply to Katfish Katy's Campground
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Amanda from Columbia, MO on 10/17/2005 6:21:11 PM:
Hi. I'm a journalism student, and I'm writing a piece about Katfish Katy's Campground in
Huntsdale. I wonder if anyone who has stopped there (for an hour or a week, it doesn't
matter) would share your impressions for my story? It would help if I had some campers,
bicyclists or passers-by to talk to. Please e-mail me at Thanks,

Ann from Wichita, KS on 10/17/2005 9:00:22 PM:
We were at Katfish Katy's this weekend. It was a nice little convenience store and it looked like there was some camping available closer to the river. I thought that there would be catfish, but no food served.

karen from Lenexa,Ks on 10/20/2005 2:05:00 PM:

I was camped there on Oct 18th. I arrived just before sunset, the only other people there were two women on bikes. We had a lovely camping area along the river, nice flat areas for tents, picnic tables, and shade trees for summer.The view of the river was great. The bathrooms were clean, and the showers hot. And the company was good, we exchanged many stories. I learned some new things.