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frank umbdenstock from festus,mo on 7/17/2005 9:37:40 PM:
i found the website strictly by accident, and have enjoyed it ever since. i get rays e-mails concerning important events on the trail and truly appreciate them. i hope to someday get to ride the entire trail end to end. till then, i have been ridin bits and pieces. first time got to ride 10 miles west from st. charles and back. then, while puttin in time at the mo state fair fire department during the state fair, had a few hours off, my engine company captain let me go ride for a couple of hours, rode out 7 1/2 miles east of sedialia and back. me and wifey have rode from defiance to augusta and back, and from st. charles 10 miles out and back. this is her first bike ever. she just learned how to ride. rode from columbia to rocheport and back to mc baine,and then back to columbia. then from mcbaine to hartsburg and back while in columbia for my grandsons state all star games, and should be going back this week to columbia again for the games, have plans on riding from hartsburg to north jefferson and back, and from rocheport to boonville and back. have eaten at the harstburg bike shop, owners were great, snackbar and bike shop at rocheport, and the snack shop at augusta (don't know its name). thanx to everyone that has sent in their expierences. all the info is a big help. frank umbdenstock