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Ohio to Erie Trail (OTET)

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Bill in Columbia (was Houston) on 10/8/2024 12:44:41 PM:
Ray, do you have a site for the OTET?

Ray (webmaster) on 10/8/2024 1:57:16 PM:
Hey Bill, I have a site for the Little Miami Trail, which runs from Cincinnati to Springfield:

So that covers about 1/4 of the route. I've thought about expanding to the whole OTET, but haven't had a chance. In the meantime, this is the best resource I know of, for the full Cincy-to-Cleveland route:

Cathy from Churchill from Churchill, PA on 10/9/2024 12:06:26 AM:
Well, while we're on the topic of other trails that Ray the Webmaster has websites for, Ray, could you just list the sites you support? I know you cover the Katy Trail/Rock Island Rail (Missouri), Great Allegheny Trail (Gap), C & O from Pittsburgh to DC, Erie Canal Trail, and now thanks to Bill's question the Little Miami Trail in Ohio. Do you cover other trails? Thanks.

Ray (webmaster) on 10/9/2024 6:33:58 AM:
Cathy, glad you asked! Below is a list, in roughly west to east order. Some of these trails are big and well known, some are much shorter and less known, but they're all just waiting for you to explore.

All the websites follow the same design pattern with the interactive map, trip planner, timeline, etc - although some of the smaller or newer ones do not have a forum, since they have less traffic.

And the list is always growing.... Before the end of the year, the D&R Towpath (east/central New Jersey - New Brunswick area - 77 miles) will be on the TrailHub website, where you can also find the full list below:

Beyond that, I'd like to eventually add Coeur d'Alene, Ohio to Erie, and whatever other good suggestions/ideas may come along.

South Dakota - Mickelson Trail

Nebraska - Cowboy Trail

Texas - Northeast Texas Trail (from outside of Dallas to almost Texarkana)

Minnesota - Paul Bunyan Trail

Missouri - Frisco Highline Trail (southwestern MO)

Missouri - Katy and Rock Island Trails

Wisconsin - Elroy-Sparta Trail

Illinois - Hennepin Canal (from near the I&M Canal to quad cities/Iowa state line)

Illinois - I&M Canal (from outside Chicago to near the Hennepin Canal)

Illinois - Great River Road (Alton to Grafton, north of St Louis)

Mississippi/Alabama/Tennessee - Natchez Trace (from southern MS to Nashville TN)

Alabama/Georgia - Chief Ladiga (AL) and Silver Comet (GA) Trails

Michigan - Border to Border Trail (Ann Arbor area)

Ohio - Little Miami Scenic Trail

Virginia - Virginia Creeper Trail

Pennsylvania - Great Allegheny Passage (GAP)

Maryland/DC - C&O Canal Towpath

New York - Erie Canal

New York - Empire State Trail

Connecticut - Farmington Canal Trail (New Haven to Massachusetts - south/north)

Connecticut - Air Line Trail (outside Hartford to Massachusetts - west/east)

Anonymous on 10/9/2024 9:49:27 AM:

IMO one would be amiss to travel to ride the Coeur d'Alene without also riding the Route of the Hiawatha. It was one of the most beautiful and interesting bike rides that we've ever done.

Bill in Columbia (was Houston) on 10/9/2024 4:58:36 PM:
Thanks for the info, Ray! Many of those were new to me. Time to add them to the checklist. :)