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Tebbetts Friday Supper - 10/4

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Jim from St. Thomas on 10/1/2024 6:42:09 PM:
If you're staying at the Turner Shelter this Friday (10/4) the Tebbetts community is having their monthly supper. Here's a link.

Eric from KCMO on 10/2/2024 9:23:59 AM:
That link goes to a private group that most of us don’t qualify to join. Perhaps you could cut and paste or just type the details.

Gary from Near Tebbetts on 10/2/2024 10:08:15 AM:
Let me try to help a brother out, try this link:

Jim from St. Thomas on 10/2/2024 5:03:07 PM:
Sorry about that. Found out today that they have changed it to private.
Thankfully I have a tech-savvy brother.