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GC from Columbia, Mo. on 10/6/2006 11:44:29 PM:
Ok, so I am curious. What things would you change or improve about the trail?
For me, it would be:
1.) Having potable water available at every trailhead.
2.) Have more camping available adjacent to the trail.
3.) Finally getting the trail extended to Machens and getting it extended into the Kansas City area.
Anyone else have any thoughts?

Paulie from Knoxville TN on 10/7/2006 10:13:23 AM:
How about a sign on the trail at Hwy 19 that tells you to exit if you want to go to Hermann. Anybody else miss this turn? The route up the steep back to the highway looks like it could be a real mess when wet. Something like the MKT trail that hooks up Columbia would be sweet and would also benefit Hermann.


GC from Columbia, Mo. on 10/7/2006 2:29:24 PM:
I would bet that when the new bridge is finished at Hermann, they will have better signage or even an improved exit off the trail at Route 19. Anyone listening at MoDOT? LOL

rfc from Shoreview MN on 10/7/2006 6:43:05 PM:
We just returned from biking from Clinton to St Charles and back in 7 days. Our suggestions
1) water at all stops (good idea)
2) work on trail surface conditions--some places had too much crushed limestone and others had tire-grabbing cracks in the center of the trail
3) it would be nice if each business in each little town catering to bikers would describe themselves and give directions from the trailhead to their business;
4) the brochure/map is incorrect about trail grade. The trail is flat after Booneville and hilly between Booneville and Sedalia.
5) some of the bars across the trail (put there to slow you down at intersections) are a little snug and might cause an accident.

Nails, on 10/8/2006 9:29:24 PM:
IMHO, I'd prefer the state to only spend money on maintaining and extending the trail.

With regard to the trail grade, I believe the state is trying to pinpoint where wheelchairs may be impacted by "steep" grades (little levees), not marking hills.

frank from festus on 10/9/2006 12:38:41 AM:
pretty much what gc and rfc said.

Kathy Ware from Nashville, TN on 10/17/2006 9:09:01 PM:
Family of three - Oct 1-5. I REALLY wish there was water at every station! I think the trail is in great shape - almost boringly so. Too much maintenance activity is going to scare away the black snakes and other critters who call the adjacent areas home.

And although we did see three volunteer patrol-people, we also saw a wierdo who made me nervous in the Clinton area - a little more security presence (maybe sheriff patrols stopping by the stations periodically?) would be great.

CM from Springfield on 10/19/2006 4:36:00 PM:
I'd like there to be a connecting trail from Clinton south to Bolivar, where the Frisco Trail connects to Springfield.

Anonymous on 10/20/2006 7:07:58 AM:
I'd like for the whole trail to be down hill both ways, so I never have to peddle and if the trail was covered so I woulodn't get wet from the rain or snow that would be nice to.

Anonymous on 10/20/2006 6:43:37 PM:
The restrooms at trailheads need cleaned more often. We were on the trail the weekend of October 13th and most of the restrooms between Jefferson City and McKittrick stunk beyond the point of use. My group had to find businesses with restroom facilities.

J&K from Drexel MO on 10/20/2006 7:41:25 PM:
My wife agrees with the down hill both ways!! crazy!