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Any info on Hwy 13 between the Warrensburg Amtrak station and Clinton?

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Wilson from Santa Barbara on 9/23/2006 12:31:08 AM:
Fellow Bikies,

We'd appreciate any info/comments regarding Hwy 13 between the Warrensburg Amtrak station and Clinton. The MO bikemap shows at least some shoulder on parts of it, but it would be great to hear from folks who have first-hand knowledge.


Wilson Hubbell

savage24 from KC,MO on 9/23/2006 12:44:08 AM:
Don't do it!
See this thread for an alternate route provided by my friend Barbara from Warrensburg:

sbikes from Kansas City on 9/23/2006 1:07:08 PM:
Ditto what savage24 says. Traffic is fast, they aren't used to seeing bikes, no real shoulder to
speak of and last time I drove it (in the last few weeks) there was lots of construction, lane
closures, heavy equipment, etc.

Wilson from Santa Barbara on 9/24/2006 6:28:46 PM:
Fellow Bikies,

Thanks for the advice and direction re: Hwy 13 between Warrensburg and Clinton. We've amended our plans so we can stay clear of it...

Wilson Hubbell