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Wayne aka Flint from OH on 9/5/2006 8:51:40 PM:
to the state of Missouri and it's tax payers. The Katy Trail is a State Park to be proud of. My wife and I finished our West to East trip on Sunday afternoon. Our experience was wonderful, we also attempted to do our part to support the local economy :-) . There were definately parts of the trail that were more "chamber of Commerce" than others but overall the trail was in fantastic shape. Though not all trailheads provide water we found 99% of them to be clean and well cared for. The info boards are also a great way to learn about the history of the trail and area. This site was also a great aid in planning the trip and has spoiled me as far as trip planning goes.

Thanks again to the DNR and the webmaster for a wonderful vacation.

Trek Biker from St. Joseph, MO on 9/7/2006 8:39:46 PM:
I don't mind that some of my tax dollars go to the DNR or the Missouri Department of Conservation one little bit! We use the trail every chance we get and are proud that it is there for us and our neighbors to use.'s not a perfect world or a perfect trail though. Labor Day weekend there was some nice cracks, fault lines or something west of McKittrick. They weren't there earlier in the summer and probably won't be there forever. Other parts of the trail are very pristine. The DNR, in my book, does a very good job for the miles of trail that they maintain.

Ray does a fantastic job with this website too. It is literally a wealth of information about the Katy. Maybe you've thought of branching out with sites like this for other trails Ray??

Ray (webmaster) on 9/7/2006 10:18:50 PM:
I agree - kudos to the DNR for the fantastic job they do in running the Katy Trail. It's a real treasure for Missouri.

Thank you for the compliments on the website. To answer your question, Trek Biker - I run two other websites, but BikeKatyTrail is definitely the biggie.

I also run, which covers Grant's Trail in suburban St Louis. This paved rail-trail goes past many interesting sights such as the Budweiser Clydesdale barns and pastures, Grant's Farm animal park (free beer samples from Anheuser Busch!), President Ulysses Grant's home, a couple of old cemeteries, and more... all in less than 8 miles. It's a much simpler website than BikeKatyTrail, for a much smaller (but busier) trail.

I also really like Sanibel Island, Florida, so I built to cover the 25 miles of bike trails on this little island. The island is networked with bike paths, making two wheels the best way to get around bewteen the beaches, hotels, and attractions. It's got to be one of the most bike-friendly islands in the country.

Between these three websites, I've got my hands pretty full. But if anyone knows of any other trails that would be a perfect candidate for a fresh new website, drop me a line.

Thanks for asking!

Jim from St. Thomas on 9/8/2006 8:37:09 AM:
Ray, I just checked out your Sanibel's great. My wife and I have been going to Captiva for years and have always been impressed with the Sanibel bike trails. I've heard talk recently of extending the trail up through Captiva.

condean from Council Bluffs IA on 9/18/2006 9:15:37 PM:
i agree, this is a great website!!
It was a great tool, and it made I was able to gain enough info to convince my hubby to to the trip. He loved it as much as me... We Will Be Back!!!!!!

Anonymous on 9/25/2006 8:28:38 AM:
I agree, what a great trail and this website is extremely helpful.